Apr 27, 2011

Droidippy Wishlist

I hope that you enjoy the Droidippy game, and that there are no serious problems that you want to report.

(If there are, please email droidippy-mod@oort.se!)

But even if that is the case, I am sure there are some improvements that you would like to see. I myself can think of quite a few. But you who play this game are the authoritative source for improvement suggestions.

Below I have enumerated a few improvements that I would like to create for the game, but the list is almost by definition woefully inadequate, so please comment this post and tell me about the improvements you want to see, and why. Or just tell me which of the improvements on the list you would most like to see.

The suggestions that are best motivated, that I like the most, and that seem to have the most players behind them will be built in the immediate future. However, this is not a democracy, and I reserve the right to pick and choose.

  • iPhone client. This is a biggie, I don't even own an iPhone, so it probably won't happen any time soon. But if anyone out there is a competent iPhone dev, send me an email and we can work together?
  • A way to invite replacements for inactive players in games you created.
  • A pretty tutorial with screenshots on this blog.
  • An easier way to send suggestions and responses, for example constructed map images, to simplify negotiations.
  • Some kind of visible achievements or badges (example: a small star in silver or gold on the flag in the chat signifying the "commit on time"-reliability of the player speaking).
  • Some way of limiting the masses of email you may get when playing the web interface.
  • Some way of avoiding and/or punishing misbehaving players.
  • A friend system where you can mark other players as "friends", and more easily select them to invite to created games.


  1. Could you change the color of the background in messaging to indicate which messages are private and which are conference? Even though it says it at the top, it is easy to overlook. :)

  2. A good idea! What color do you suggest? Perhaps UN blue for the conference?

    1. Hey u should create a chat room while we are playing so we can chat with more then just one play with want to allied up with. So we don't have to type a lot. Like a chat room where you invite people who you want to talk too.

    2. I see that as an anti feature. It is harder to maintain alliances and easier to lie if you can't do that...

    3. No, I agree with Bailey. You can always talk to everyone in private and lie in the group chat. But under a number of circumstances the group chat feature will be very useful.

  3. A new version is released that has a different background color for all non Conference channels, and white for the Conference channel. I hope it helps!

  4. Martin help: I don't know how else to contact you but I have a question about my game. All other players (who are playing) have commited during a retreat phase. i have no moves to make but the game is still waiting. Any thoughts? Maybe I have moves to make and don't know it?

  5. Send me the name of the google account you use and the power and phase of the game to info@oort.se (like it says in the "Contact" page on this blog :) and I will look into it!

  6. I found your email in the database! If the game in question is the one in which you play Turkey, and that is in "Spring, 1907 (Retreat)", then I can tell you that one member of the game has not committed yet.

  7. another wish list or clarification: can a chain of ships convoy an army over the ocean? I thought this was allowed in the board game but when I try I get "army cannot occupy ocean space". any thoughts? thanks!

  8. Yes it can. You order all participating fleets to convoy the army from A to B (the same A and B for all fleets, where A is the province where the army is now, and B is the province it wants to go to), and then you tell the army to go from A to B.

    No convoying or moving takes place on oceans, always on land (i.e both A and B are always on land).

  9. I have 3 suggestions:

    1) Keep the typed but not yet sent text of communications. It happens all the time to me that I write half my message, need to check something on the map, and when I return to the message screen the text I typed is gone.

    2) Offer different game speeds. It seems that there are enough players now that the critical mass is reached, when I signed up yesterday a game started within a few hours. So why not have two (later more) options like
    - 24/12 hour turns
    - 3/1-day turns
    (and in the future stuff like 7/2 days, or 6/3 hours with night break and so on).

    3) I don't need a web frontend, but being able to use email for communication would a huge step up, as whenever I'm at home I would rather type messages with my normal keyboard.

  10. Carsten:

    1) A very good idea! I have been annoyed by that myself actually, that you bring it up is motivation enough to actually do something about it. I released a new version now, that saves whatever you typed and brings it back next time.

    2) Yes, offering more options when joining pick-up games is on my to do list. Not only phase length, but also timezone and language. But right now it would mean that the player base became even more fractured (right now everyone is in one of three categories of "reliable keeper of deadlines"), and some players would have to wait more than 24 hours to join a game (right now there are sometimes waiting that long, but not mostly and not often).

    3) I am slowly creating a web front end, actually. You can find an early beta at http://droidippy.oort.se/ if you want to take a look. It is primarily to allow people to play from iPhones (it seemed easier and more versatile to create a web front end that worked well in iPhone/Safari than to create an iPhone app), but it is also to enable playing from the comfort of your desktop computer. It will include most if not all of the features now in the Android version, including messaging.

  11. Is there a way to join new games from the web front end version? I know a few iPhone users that would love to join on

  12. There will be, I just have to build the chat functions into the web frontend first. Then I will add join functionality, polish it up a bit, and then make it sort of officially released :)

  13. Hi Martin !

    Thanks you for your great job !
    I have been using Droidippy for a few days and it's really fun !
    The Web frontend is also very good !

    Any way to thank you (donate) ?!
    You would be the 1st app I may buy/donate !

  14. Thierry:
    Thank you for the praise!

    I am planning on building a premium system where there is a small monthly charge required to be able to play multiple games in parallell, but still free of charge to play a single game at a time.

    This is a sensitive and important part of the game, so please feel free to comment on this idea! It is of great importance to me that everyone is as happy as possible with the way the payment system works.

  15. First I think it's important you let at least 1 free game at a time, just to have new players who want to try before buying.

    It is obvious I would prefer donate once (It can be "expensive" as you let 1 full free game at a time) than monthly fee, but I understand server maintenance costs are monthly :)
    It really depends on how much this will be (and how many persons you estimate will pay... If you have enough new "premium" players every month, you can consider one shot payment as a monthly fee. If that's not the case, monthly fee seems unavoidable for you). Do not forget to compare alternatives on the Web, what they offer, how much they cost... Your app UI is great but every smartphone can play directly on free websites

    Eventually can you set both payment ways and let players chose:
    - one payment for all
    - one monthly fee
    (don't know if Android market allows this ?!)
    I really love your app but I would not spend too much on it.

  16. Yeah, I plan on always allowing one free game at a time for free - even free players are a commodity that add value for the premium players ;)

    And the difference is that a monthly fee can be much lower than a one time fee (I am thinking one or two dollars a month), which will make the really REALLY enthusiastic players that use the system for many months pay more, while those that just get hooked for a month or two can get away cheaper. This seems fair as well.

    Especially since, as you say, server costs are monthly.

    The idea is that the average fee per player should be about the same as if I used a one time fee.

    But yes, both options may be a good idea as well. Anyway, I haven't even started implementing this yet, still just in planning stage..

  17. Also, anyone reading this:

    Would you feel fine paying $2/month for the privilege to play multiple simultaneous games?

  18. It'd be nice to be able to create games with options for different variants--e.g., fleet Rome, or first come first serve country picking, etc.

  19. Yeah, it would be kind of nice, but lots and lots of work (new maps, new user interfaces etc), so probably not very soon. Sorry :(

  20. Hi Martin,

    Great app.
    Lot of fun with it.

    2 wishes:

    1) possibility to access offline to the games, in order to see maps, previous exchanged messages, and even give order which can be commited when online... because now, you can't if you're not linked with the server.

    2) possibility to see previous phases in a list instead of previous / next buttons at the bottom. I mean something like that:

    current phase (x)
    phase x-1
    phase x-2
    phase x-3
    and you access to it when clicking on.

    Best regards

    A new diplo player

  21. Good ideas both! The first one is hard, but I will put the second one on the todo list!

  22. Luccio:
    Well, feature number two is kind of finished.

    Since I have already messed up enough for one day today, with the update hell and all, I will only offer this one here as a preview: http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy-preview.apk

    It both has the phase list option you talk about, and hopefully bugfixes for all the crap that I caused today when I introduced anonymous messages, upgraded the 'Too old client' functionality and generally caused all kinds of havoc.

    When it has been a bit more tested I will release it on Market as well...

  23. Newman:
    Adding more options for games with random opponents is one of the most asked for features, but right now there aren't enough people joining to allow more options without making people wait a very long time for games.

    You are free to create your own game with a one hour deadline and invite people to it, though!

  24. I know you updated the program so that now it keeps the typed but not yet sent text of communications and it works fine on my phone unless I accidentally tilt the phone causing it to change from Portrait to Landscape. Very small issue but annoying. Using Android 2.3.3

  25. Matty G:
    New version with your fix is on Market!

  26. Would be nice to know the number of supply centers owned by each power without having to count them. The communications page may be a good place to show this.

  27. FxFocus:
    That would make it harder to sneak through a single win. Do you have such a counter in face to face games?

  28. Hi Martin, Many thanks for your prompt reply.

    I'm used to seeing this kind of summary on other websites running 
    versions of diplomacy, but I never before considered the point you made. 
    Upon reflection I agree best left as is.


  29. FxFocus/Ed:
    Thanks for giving me another excuse to be lazy and don't change status quo :D

  30. 1. In the status line at the top of each screen, include the time remaining/deadline and # still uncommitted. Right now I have to go all the way out to the game list to find this information. (Alternatively, put it on the text orders screen right above the commit button.)

    2. List every unit that is orderable in the text orders list, even if they haven't been ordered. List the unordered units as "(no orders)" or something similar. That way you can verify that was your intent and don't overlook things as easily.

  31. Alcore:
    1. This wouldn't fit in the title bar on most phones. But putting it on the Orders screen is a good idea. Putting it on the to do list.
    2. An interesting idea. I will put it on the to do list as well.

  32. Here's a suggestion.
    If a player does not commit moves for Spring 1901, then the database of all winning players for that nation is searched and an opening move is randomly selected from among them. A new player is then immediately added to the game for one of the current queues (perhaps someone with no reliability record).

    If a player does not commit in Fall 1901, then I have a couple of ideas. The first is that units that are adjacent to unoccupied supply centers are moved there, no convoys or supports being attempted, while others hold.

    Alternately, if the moves database is large enough, then a move from an identical local situation is attempted. Perhaps plan A would be a decent fallback if there is no matching position.

    Again, a player is immediately added from the queue.

    For later years, a simple 'rescue list' could be added, perhaps open as second games for free players. Then you could add something in the stats page for 'Game-Savers' or the like, with more points for greater heroism (surviving from one supply center or the like).

  33. Tony:
    This sounds like a very well thought out (and somewhat elaborate) plan for a problem that could be really serious but actually isn't, once you are in a reasonable reliability bracket.

    I would guess that you are in your first game, and haven't yet tried a game with reliable opponents?

    Because when you join a game after having played a bit, and proven yourself reliable (not missed more than about 1/10 deadlines) you will be paired with other reliable players, and NMR is quite unusual.

    If you still think this kind of clever solution to the NMR problem is necessary, tell me again and lets talk :)

  34. From a game I played recently (and reading the comments where people want fast turnarounds), I think we need the option to show peoples timezone. Droidippy has global players, and this held up my last game as one player was in the usa and the rest of us in europe. I leave it to your imagination if turnarounds were less than 24hr!

    So, perhaps add a timezone fields to every players profile and display this at startup. Further possibilities would be to create games within a set number of hours difference.

  35. Unknown:
    There is actually some discussion about this on the forum: http://groups.google.com/group/droidippy/browse_thread/thread/6eec3911fde5d546

  36. I'd like to see the system substitute in players for players that have failed to enter moves in a game twice in a row, or three times overall. It's really unbalancing to have a power like Italy sit motionless while her neighbors eat her centers, rather than have that nation put up a fight and be part of the game.

  37. Mark:
    1) It would be hard to motivate players to accept that position, most people want a fresh start.
    2) The problem is very uncommon when you play in games with a higher reliability cap. Your first game is usually with complete turnips who just quit the game after realizing it wasn't their cup of tea, but if you get to a reliability of 10 (see http://droidippy.oort.se/web#you) before you join your second game you won't experience that much any more.

  38. How hard would it be to retain a customized color scheme after the program updates?I like to change the default color scheme to something less pastel shaded. Every time the program updates I lose my custom color scheme.

    That would be a nice touch if it isn't too much work.

  39. ontoliberty
    Strange! It shouldn't reset after update.. do other settings reset for you as well? (Such as ringtone, vibrarion etc)

  40. No,not usually.Just the colors.Running Motorola ATRIX.

  41. ontoliberty:
    Very odd indeed - I am saving the colour preferences the same way I save the other preferences, in a SharedPreferences store.

    So far you seem to be the only one to experience this problem (and I just tried to reproduce it myself and failed).. could it be that you uninstalled/reinstalled last time you upgraded and that is why it dropped those settings?

  42. best diplomacy game on mobile, i would wish computer AI for players who left the game, and for single player games to practise :)
    And a scoring or ranking system for the players would be good :)

  43. ohh sorry for my last comment, i just see, scoring, statistic system already have, so i only wish the ai for practise, and for faster games :)

  44. Soon you might have AI players, I am in the process of integrating an external provider of dippy bots :)

  45. I'd love to see a universal score attached to players' accounts - it would encourage more diplomatic play (you'd see draws happen more often if players had something to lose).

    The system at http://webdiplomacy.net/ is fairly clever

  46. Regarding the question Dec.27th,yes I had to uninstall and reinstall the update.Sorry for the fuss and delay in getting back to you.

    Keep up the good work.Droidippy rocks!

  47. Ryan:

  48. Great implementation. I used to play email version and liked to play blind and no chat. I'd liked to see different game types available as random.

  49. MG:
    Everyone wants that, but its hard to decide where to split the game queues...

  50. an image of the map in high resolution would be helpful, to print or watch on the computer nearby

  51. RamazuriDank:
    Try either http://droidippy.oort.se for a web version, or if that is not enough download the "jDip file" from your game on the web interface and load that file in jDip !

  52. I would like to be able to practice against myself, or just have a way of keeping track of an offline game. Could you have an option for this ?

  53. Lawr:
    Offline games is on the todo list, but pretty far down. It isn't essential to the majority of users, but it is quite complicated to do right.
    Practicing against yourself depends on what you mean by it. Just playing around with a dippy board and results of different moves you can do with http://jdip.sourceforge.net/. If you want AI players you will have to use another product, or wait an undefined amount of time until I am finished with some integration I am doing on the backburner to get academic dippy AI bots into Droidippy for those who want it.

  54. For adjustment phases, I'd like to be able to easily see how many builds/removals and my opponents need to make. Currently it seems like I have to go back a phase to get this information.

  55. kadj:
    You see how many you have to make (in Android), both in a popup when you first open the map to that phase, and in the orders screen. In the web interface it's just the popup.
    Your enemies builds/removals you will have to calculate on your own :)

  56. For some reason I could not add a comment through the app interface.

    Few things would be nice.
    1) a simple count of everyone's units. I believe this has been mentioned before. As far as a enemy build/remove, I've seen in the past a simple "Turkey 7/10" which states Turkey has 10 depots and 7 troops, implying he can build three more.
    2) which country or countries is on probation.
    3) I think this was also mentioned before, but when some writes in the conference area, don't display a notification like its a private message. Display a generic UN type icon
    3) on the more complex side, a "game judge" that you can plug in a turn's moves and see the outcome (hypothetically). That way people can all know how the rules are applied before making them. Very useful in my opinion.

    A few more comments: the app has been really great app far. I love the element that anonymous messages adds to it. It also took me a minute to realize that the provinces have the same names as the game, but in the local language, also cool. The only weird thing is that there is no announcement at the end of the game. It keeps telling me to build more troops even tho it is over.

  57. JohnF:
    1) I see it as a feature that you can 'sneak' a solo because your opponents are too lazy to count your centers. No unit count in f2f games is there?
    2) Why would you need to know that? Better if it isn't advertised..
    3) A reasonable suggestion, but is it important enough for the effort?

    I am happy you like the names, nobody else noticed :D And I didn't dare just copy an existing map name for name due to copyright reasons...

    End game announcement is in the results view, like all other result stuff from other phases :)

    1. 1) You are a very sneaky man.
      I am not familiar with the term f2f, but in a games by email I played they had a unit count.
      2) See #1. I guess its irrelevant who forgot to move in the grand scheme.
      3) I wasn't sure how much of an effort it would be. It was extremely useful in another game I played. It also included a feature to send a permalink to the person so he could see what situation I was talking about, really alleviated conversation and planning. Is there a way you could use the current logic engine and then just develop a different GUI that allows for hypotheticals? Again, not sure how this game is setup, so if it's difficult, then I understand.

      Also, I had two labeled 3). The first 3) should be a smaller change than the other ones.

      Still liking the app, somehow you managed to allow it to update automatically without killing my battery life, so great!

    2. 1) With f2f I mean "face to face" games, where you only have a board and the army/fleet markers :)

      2) You can always check who didn't commit any moves last phase, and guess. But if that doesn't tell you clearly then I find it good not to punish the power under probation more than necessary - probation and lowered reliability is punishment enough I think.

      3) Regarding the changed notification I have it on my woefully long todo list. Regarding the game judge, check out jDip - if you click the "jDip file"-link in the web interface for a game you can download a jDip compatible file describing the current game. Doing it in a more user friendly and integrated way would be nice, but a lot of work :/

  58. This is easily the best online Diplomacy I've played. Thanks for making it!

    One suggestion: Anonymity during a game is great, for obvious reasons, but after a game is over I'd love to find out who I was playing with, particularly if I've played with them before.

  59. Michael:
    A reasonable idea, but hard to motivate pushing above other feature requests that can't be worked around just by chatting a bit :)

  60. Michael:
    A reasonable idea, but hard to motivate pushing above other feature requests that can't be worked around just by chatting a bit :)

  61. Martin,

    It would nice to have a drop down list of the history moves to navigate through. Currently, if I want to see what happened last Fall, I have to wait and load Fall Adjustments, Fall Retreats, and then Fall. Also, if I want to go back a few years, I have many many screens to load to see it.

    Also, I think you should need to uncommit in order to change your moves. I get very nervous when I have committed and am just reviewing the current setup that I may accidentally hit something and cancel or change a move unknowingly.

    1. There is one! You have the "History" button (in the Android interface under the menu).

      Regarding the uncommit requirement for changing orders, it could be a useful feature I guess, but it would be cumbersome to change single orders after you had committed (something I find myself doing quite often..)

  62. Can we have a way to find out who has not comitted yet? It is aggrevating trying to figure out who is the 1 country we are waiting for. This is something you would now in a f2f game isnt it?

    1. Yes, but if it was possible I would try to avoid knowing it in f2f. The deadline is there because people _should_ be able to spend all that time pondering the problem.

      If you knew who was holding the game back then people would start fearing repercussions if they didn't commit fast enough, and alliances could depend on someone committing fast enough etc.

      I think it would take away from the scheming and plotting part of the game, and since that is the main attraction (to me, at least) I think that would take away from the core values of the game.

    2. Yes, shouldn't know who is not committed yet, it would be a big disadvantage. What might be useful is to say who did not commit in the adjudication (you could put an asterisk in front of the power or italicise on the order results page). That way, people know who is on probation (it is feasible to have a player submit orders early but forget to commit) and a useful deterrent against doing so (said player if still active knows they have to get orders in early next time lest the turn go without them).

      This would not stop it being used as a tool to delay turn going ahead so long as they commit at least a minute before the deadline.

    3. I think it gives away too much information to show who didn't commit last phase. Being silent becomes a strategy if people don't know what it means.

      Also: You don't go on probation for not committing any more. As long as at least one order was entered there you will be fine.

  63. Hi, All my countries seem like they're in the language of the country itself, but only for me (unless I'm mistaken). Is this normal? If not, how do I fix it?

    1. I'm not sure I understand, but all countries have the same names all the time for everyone...

  64. I would recommend an IE web interface. I read the web FAQ, and understand that the web interface for Safari is focused on. However, I would like to be able to use IE for droidippy because I type long messages, and a keyboard is much easier than my handheld device.

    1. There are may problems with making the web interface work in IE, among them the fact that I don't use Windows and that I am not that good a web developer.

      I recommend that you just download Firefox or Chrome to your Windows machine, and do it that way :)

  65. Hi Martin. Have loved the app for a long time.
    Has anyone ever suggested revealing user names at the colcusion of a game? I know we could use chat to ask, but it might help build a sense of community and interest in the leaderboards. A sense of meta-competition is probably the only thing the game lacks. It might also improve the quality of some players' performance as they can't hide behind anonymity.

    1. Hm, there has recently been a discussion on the forum (groups.google.com/group/droidippy) about anonymity and anonymous messages.

      Since my main objection to removing anonymity is about having to play with your reputation on the table, revealing everyone after the game is finished could be a good solution.

      I suggest you bring this suggestion up on the forum, and see what response you get!

  66. I'd like to request differential timeouts for different phase types.

    I've got a game going on where we like having longer periods (48 hrs min) for movement phases, but don't need that sort of timeline for adjustment / retreat phases (24 hrs preferred). Subsequently, I've been running back to the 'created games' interface after every phase to change the timeout from 48 to 24 to 48.

    Now, this might not be a problem if we had a good group of consistently move-committing players, but alas, it would still be a nice feature to have.

    1. This was a feature in an earlier version of the game, when adjustment and retreat phases were half the length of movement phases.

      But I got such an overabundance of good advice on how to change the settings to make them fit some kind of ideal. People wanted all thinkable combinations of phase lengths, really.

      This made me simplify everything by just making all phases the same length. But of course, java developers out there are welcome to send patches :D

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks for the reply. Java developers! I think this is the ideal solution:


      (Wish I knew how to embed images into this reply)

  67. For longer games (i.e. 48 hrs) It would be nice if the warning that 'some players have not committed' came a bit earlier (i.e. 4 hrs ahead of time).

    1. Hard to figure out what logic to use to decide on when that warning should come.

      Take it up on the forum (groups.google.com/group/droidippy) and see if some kind of agreement can be reached?

  68. Please allow local play amongst friends! That would be a feature worth paying a couple bucks for.

    1. Just create a game and invite your friends, it doesn't get more local than that...

      And if the network connectivity is the problem, I recommend using http://jdip.sourceforge.net/

  69. Good game but it doesnt say who wins at the end of the game it just say game ended you need to add that and it will be great

    1. The result of each phase is visible in the 'results' view when the phase is resolved. Since usually only the latest (and thus unresolved) phase is shown this means you have to go back one phase using the menu to see the results of a phase.

      The results of the entire game is the results of the last resolved phase, visible by going back once in the menu.

      Not 100% intuitive, but usually people know who won anyway.

  70. can i somehow change color of states in web player like i can in droid app ? make it more colorblind friendly

  71. I like to request the draw option is only when the time runs out and there are no victors. Even if one is with most provinces then still ends in draw. Many players abuse this and go for the draw and not for the win which kinda ruins the game becauae i like to backstab and stuff but never like to end with a draw because it defeats the purpose of the game to win and become ultimate strategist. If the draw option is used less than players will morw be diplomatic on their borders more than rely on one ally or have mutliple for purposes dragging the game more and be intense wondering who is easier to get on my side and later trick.. i ask for the draw option to be strictor or meet a certain criteria

    1. You can either play the 'public-email 1908' games available if you have reliability 50+, or you can create or join custom games with 'draws include all survivors'. Then you will get games that continue without draws.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Can you add next update? 1. Curency ? Like in the game to trade with players to buy,sell land, buy, sell troops between countries and even just bribe for favors, black mail, like a game currency as part of the game not actual money 2. Unit percents, like you look at the unit and its one thing, well what if you got to decide what the one unit was, say each army is 100 troops, you get to change it and customize it make 33% artillery, 27% tanks and 40% troops 3.Air force? 4. Supply on every space

    Any or all of these plz

    1. 1. I think Economics woukd add to the politics and deplomacy , plus bribing a backstab is messed up lol nice to see what your allies think your worth, so please curency

      2. The taking one unit and making it a bunch of different small units makes a 1v1 fight more strategic

      3. Air force , can fly over land and sea , maybe it has limits like requires 2 supply deposits and cant cature land

      4. Supply deposits on every peice of land , equals more units and more struggle over borders and more powerful countries

    2. No new features no. I am building the next version instead. And that game, also, will follow the regular dippy rules.

  74. Is it maybe possible to see who has surrendered so you know who to attack in the endgame?

  75. Love the game, many thanks. It works well so these are enhancements. (1) would be great to be able to change the colors of countries in the web version? Maybe this is there like on android device, where it works well, but I cannot find it on the web. (2) I also agree that stats should not count unless the game had a reliability of greater than 10. But maybe you could include wins, draws, etc in parenthesis in the stats? It would not affect anything and is for information only?

    Again, many thanks for all your hard work....

    1. All suggestions are taken into account for the next version game which is under development, but no new features are introduced in Droidippy :)

  76. Sorry, one other idea. It would be cool to "stitch" together the phases and then display the images, one after another (without clicking) so it makes a simple "video", like mini movie, to see the rise and fall of countries and progress made in a game. Just a fun little feature? Thanks.

  77. I wanted to first congratulate you on this project. I never post on forums but felt inclined to do so here, as you filled a very real need on the market brilliantly.
    My one suggestion is to not tell publicly the number of people still uncommitted of their move so that it does not give extra information to those that have more time to sit there and refresh the page.

    Once again, Great Job!

    1. Ah, that was the way it was before. The way it works now is a compromise with those who want the uncommited players named...

  78. Add more cards especially asia way there were playing countries: Russia, BritIndiya, China, Iran, Japan, Turkey, Iraq, Arabia and Afghanistan. countries bots: Iraq and Baluchestan nepal ... and let each country had not playing soldier for the complexity :)

  79. Thanks for a great app for this game but I have one suggestion. Make games of different lengths. I tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to play two turns over a weekend but I am without my phone for one whole day.

    1. There are games of different lengths, create or join custom games, or if you just want 48h phases, join the "public email 1908 games" available when you have reliability 50.

  80. Regarding the scoring system.
    Some nations have higher winning stats than others (for example Russia has almost twice the winning percentage compared to Italy).
    Hence, it might be good to have yet another weighted winning score in order to compensate for those stats. This might encourage people to choose nations with low winning stats (i.e. Italy, Austria).

  81. Maybe I've just missed it in the interface, but there doesn't seem to be a way to build a fleet on St. Petersburg North Coast. Admittedly rare, unless you're really pounding on England, though.

    1. Never mind, figured it out. I still think it would be clearer if the "Build" dialog for St. Petersburg offered "Fleet (North coast)" and "Fleet (South coast)" though.

  82. make a multilenguages also america version or world version

  83. You could make a whole world map and maybe a small Demo or Tutorial against KI-Players

  84. A couple suggestions:
    - You should be getting a notification while trying to commit when having some armies without orders (something like - You have units without orders. Are you sure you want to commit?). That would save player from some silly mistakes
    - A map where you paint even provinces without SCs upon entering (no matter if it's spring or fall) would look a lot prettier.

    Otherwise a great app, thanks for the work you put in it, man!

  85. Is server down. Droidippy does mot work since server moved.

  86. Is server down. Droidippy does mot work since server moved.

  87. The server move isn't finished yet.

    I've got some database stuff running now that probably won't complete before bedtime, so I expect to get up tomorrow and make a report to the group around 7 am GMT-7.

    The best persisting source of recent developments is the Google group:


    For breaking news, you can follow me on periscope:


    The next periscope broadcast will be no earlier than 9 am GMT-7 Wednesday. The next droidippy deadline will be no earlier than 9 pm GMT-7 Friday. There will be announcements in Google Groups, periscope and conference when droidippy is live again.

  88. I'm sure this has been suggested in the past. A conference between multiple countries so negotiations and plans can be made with multiple powers at a time. Not the conference screen but perhaps an invitation only type chat so certain countries can engage in talks privately.

  89. Hey, 2 suggestions from me:

    - please correct name for Warsaw - on the map it's right - "Warszawa" then when you place an order, a letter is lost making it "Warzawa". Being from Poland, I notice it right away :)
    - the message reminding players to move an hour before the deadline should be sent solely to players who haven't committed. Otherwise the conference chat gets unnecessarily spammed and I get notifications which I'm not at all interested in.

    Thanks for reading :)

  90. Can you please clarify what counts as a Shared Draw on the stats page and what counts as a Win that is not a Single Win. Are Shared Draws draws between more than 2 powers and Wins that are not Single Wins draws between just 2 powers? That is only distinction that I could guess made sense, however, could you please clarify so that I am not just guessing. Thanks!

  91. Not sure if anyone suggested this in the past- but a simple notification letting us know when server maintenance is about to take place would be nice in order to avoid freaking out/going into an uninstall/reinstall frenzy when "server did not respond.." comes up, would be nice. All efforts into this game are much appreciated!

  92. Thank you for excellent article.You made an article that is interesting
    card games

  93. I hope you enjoy the Droidippy game as much as I do! While there are no major problems to report, the game can always benefit from improvements. A friend of mine who now works at NewCasinoSE told me that the creators have a lot of updates in the pipeline.

    The game's creator has listed some of the improvements they are considering, including an iPhone client, a way to invite replacements for inactive players, and a nice guide with screenshots. They also invited players to leave comments and suggest their own improvements, which they would consider depending on how motivated and supported they were.
